Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Hi friends!

So i heard (sadly, i wasn't able to go on monday night) that september's desserthouse was THE BEST YET! if you joined me in being unable to go...we really missed a good one, friend!

THANKS to all the musicians who truly blew us away (from what i've heard): Rachel and Charles, Lincoln, the folks from Five Star Streets, Sara J Beck, and Sean!

THANKS to the amazing presentation of artistry by Emily and Nate...and anyone else who joined in the fun!

THANKS to Donavan and Yobel for bringing the good stuff!

A special THANK YOU to Sarah J Beck for coordinating the night in my absence!

THANKS THANKS THANKS to all who brought a dessert and/or a mug! it blessed both me and those who partook!

We were able to GIVE $210 to our friends who work with AIDS victims in Papua New Guinea. our hearts and prayers are with you, friends.

KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS PEELED for upcoming DH info! looks like we'll be grooving to some sweet tunes in the old colorado city area for october's DH. Opportunity Int'l will be our feature non profit...more info at!