Friday, August 28, 2009

Dessert House Goodness!!!

Wow. Every time Dessert House occurs, the time gets better and better! Yay to another wonderful time to enjoy local culture, music, yummy desserts, and art! It's wonderful to learn about another non-profit that is contributing to the development of the local area-- Young Life!

Many thanks to EVERYONE who helped out with this months Dessert House! Thank you to Young Life, for Will & Brian's fantastic insight on what this awesome organization does in the local community! Thank you for sharing your stories of how you've been impacted by the formation of relationships between the students & the YL leaders! Thanks for sharing what God's done through these relationships! We raised $324 from Augusts Dessert House which was given to Young Life Colorado Springs, and will pay for a middle school child to go to Camp! Yay!

Thank you so our musicians & for Sara J for arranging all the sets! Sean Riley, Heather & Jesse Spradley, Rachel Brown, Brian (from YL), Sara J Beck, & Lincoln.

Thank you to our lovely ladies who did live art-- Emily Rogers! Amy Pontius! Shanna Hilgers! Abby Steiger! It's amazing how much beauty one can paint on a tin, rusty oil can!

Thanks to the BYOM team! Yah yah for sustainability & helping out our environment.
Thank you Casa Bancha Men-- for allowing us to invade your home for a rad night of delightful Dessert House!! Stellar setup!
Thank you to Yobel Market!!

Mark your calendars for next months Dessert House! SAVE THE DATE for Monday, September 28th from 7-11 PM.... we will be posting a google map link to the location asap! Opportunity International is the next featured organization!

Thanks again for supporting Dessert House! We are thrilled to bring to you amazing organizations that are taking action to bring about social justice & positive development on an international & domestic level! More than that, we are thrilled to give YOU tangetable ways that you can get involved in taking action on behalf of these issues!

**find us on facebook & join the Dessert House Colorado Springs group!**

Monday, August 24, 2009

The REAL Dessert House for August!

Another exciting Dessert House will be happening this Thursday, August 27th at 8 PM- 11 PM!!! Please come out and enjoy some delicious dessert & fair trade coffee, delightful music under the stars, and an amazing opportunity to partner with an international youth development organization... Young Life!!

BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) & Receive a Legit Hug!

Location for Dessert House: Casa Boncha (6870 Del Monico, Colorado Springs, CO 80919)

Date: August 27th 8PM-11PM

Musicians: Shawn Riley, Rachel & Charles Brown, Sarah J Beck, Heather & Jessie Spradley & MANY MORE!

Artists: Emily Rogers, Shanna Hilgers, Abby Steiger

Mission: Introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ while helping them grow in their faith.
Goal: Supply excellent Young Life ministry in 7500 schools and outreach locations in the USA & internationally
Progress: As of May 2008, Young Life was in more than 4,639 schools & outreach locations worldwide.

Young Life Leaders invest in spending time with kids; they care about “their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.” Young Life believes that from the adult interaction and relationship building, “the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they [the kids impacted] based upon God’s love for them, will impact future decisions… career chosen, marriages formed and families raised.”

Young Life is about going to where unchurched kids are and showing them who Jesus is through consistent relationship in their lives. Young life is building relationships with kids and walking them towards relationship with God or walking with them when they give their lives to Jesus. It’s about having fun and building community for those who would never step into a church on their own; or rather bringing Jesus to them.” -Ruth Cortess (Young Life Leader)