Friday, July 31, 2009

Dessert House August!! Yay!

Come young and old to Dessert House Colorado Springs! Another exciting evening filled with great music, creative artists, and an awareness night- raising support for an international youth development organization.
We will be promoting BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) again... so bring a mug & receive a legit hug!

We're very excited about our organization of choice this month: Young Life!

  • Young Life’s Mission: Introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ while helping them grow in their faith.
  • Goal: Supply excellent Young Life ministry in 7500 schools and outreach locations in the USA & internationally

  • Progress: As of May 2008, Young Life was in more than 4,639 schools & outreach locations worldwide.

Young Life Leaders invest in spending time with kids; they care about “their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.” Young Life believes that from the adult interaction and relationship building, “the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they [the kids impacted] based upon God’s love for them, will impact future decisions… career chosen, marriages formed and families raised.”

“Young Life is about going to where unchurched kids are and showing them who Jesus is through consistent relationship in their lives. Young life is building relationships with kids and walking them towards relationship with God or walking with them when they give their lives to Jesus. It’s about having fun and building community for those who would never step into a church on their own; or rather bringing Jesus to them.” -Ruth Cortese (Young Life Leader)

Location: Casa Boncha (6870 Del Monico, CS Colorado 80919)

Date: August 27th, 2009 8PM-11PM

We Are Proud To Welcome New Artists & Musicians This Month:

Musicians:(coming soon!)

Artists: Emily Rogers, Shanna Hilgers, Abby Steiger

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

follow up from the last desserthouse!

hey friends! our total raised last desserthouse came to $510! schweeeeet! below is the update from Jason, our Micah Challenge contact. the things theyre doing are aweseome! we'll be coming in with some updates bout next desserthouse shortly!

Thank you for organizing the dessert house, and thank you for making Micah Challenge the beneficiary of your work. We are SO grateful! I am in Kampala Uganda right now. I’ve had the privilege of visiting with different Micah Challenge coordinators while I’m here, and also visiting various projects of the church to change the world. Its been really inspiring, and extremely hopeful amidst the troubles. Your gift helps us support and engage deeper with Africans doing this kind of work. I want to share a quick narrative of a group I met with yesterday in Kaber Maido District in Uganda.

I met with a group called the arrow boys. They are men who formed a group to defend their villages against the Lord’s Resistance Army (a rebel group that was terrorizing northern Uganda for quite some time). In around 2003 or 2004 their entire community was moved to IDP camps in Uganda because people were being terrorized and children abducted, etc. In 2006 and the beginning of 2007 they all returned to their homes. The Arrow boys formed an association of veterans from that conflict to try and support each other, and help each other out upon returning to their homes. I went there with a group that is giving them agricultural supplies and training to begin a small agricultural project—6 acres and about 10 different crops. When they returned home in 2006 they had to start from scratch. They had no possessions, no land, and no crops, all they had was hope. They did not give up, and they’ve been trying to survive since then. I happened to be there the day they signed the agreement on the agricultural project with the group Micah Challenge works with. It was such a tremendous and joyous occasion. Of course they asked me to speak even though I really didn’t do any work other than pray for them and visit—I told them that in the United States there is a new generation that is passionate about the kingdom of God and the livelihoods and security of people like them. Their faces lighted up—they are so excited to know that their story is being told, and that there are young Christians in the states who care for them. Thank you for who you are, and for your commitments because your passion and prayers give hope to people like the arrow boys. It’s a new day for the arrow boys of Kaber Maido, and just by having the event that you did you are a part of it! I hope and pray that in five years we see their crops flourishing, and their livelihoods restored.

I just wanted to share that with you to encourage you, and to thank you. God bless, and keep in touch!

PS put Oct 18 on your calendar—its Micah Sunday—a day where literally millions of Christians around the world will be praying and focusing on the MDGs. Perhaps you would want to get your church(es) involved, or have your own kind of meeting on that day to show solidarity? We’ll talk about it.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Yay For Success!

Thanks to Emily for hosting the event! To all the musicians & artists that displayed their incredible talents-- we love you! Thank you for your willingness to come together, enjoy cultural diversity, and take a stand for social justice with Micah Challenge!

Micah Challenge will be the recipient of your donations this month!!! THEY ARE VERY APPRECIATIVE!

location: Casa Boncha
organization: Children's Ark

If you're interested in hosting, playing music, or showing us your artistic abilities let us know!