Wednesday, November 18, 2009
We are so excited about this month's DessertHouse!
Many thanks to Whole Foods for so graciously hosting our event this month! Our featured nonprofit can be found at:
Checkout the Whole Planet website...through this organization, Whole Foods is doing some awesome microfinancing work in the same communities where many of the products you and I purchase from their store are sourced.
Our music line up is most wonderful...
Sean Reilly...potential future DH host, yes sir ree
Sara J Beck, words are not adequate.
Charles and dear Rachel Brown (happy birthday week Charles)
Lincoln, the one and only
Art is TBA...sorry if this puts you in an unreasonable amount of suspense.
The suggested $10 at the door wil be a bit different this time around. We'll have a jar by the musicians and you can give as you feel led. As with every month, all proceeds go directly to our feature group of cool people doing cool things.
What would DessertHouse be without dessert, fair trade coffee, and fair trade tea?! What would DessertHouse at Whole Foods be without Whole Foods bakery desserts?! Come ready for not only Whole Foods made desserts, but some free food tasting around the store as well! (show up before 7pm if you are excited bout the food tasting)
Okay folks, hope to see you there. Blue star if you are able to show up, sad day if not!
Tuesday, October 13, 2009
DH October 09 Baby
you know what that means fellow music/art/dessert/etc lovers...
desserthouse time, baby.
much love to amy and the staff of Garden of the Gods Gourmet for hosting this month! they are absolutely worth checking out...desserthouse or not. check out our facebookpage for address info...or call me (shanna) 281.796.3635
this month we are proudly featuring the efforts of Opportunity Int'l...their work with microfinancing, women leadership development, and lots of other brilliant works caught our eye; and we think it'll catch yours. (
$10 at the door...suggested, of course...and as with every month, all proceeds go directly to our feature group of cool people doing cool things.
watch the DessertHouse facebook page for some sweet spotlights on our musicians and artists!
BYOM is still fully intact, so be sure to find us if you Bring Your Own Mug to get your legit hug
it was cleverly suggested that we do a little something unprecedented this bout some costume action from the creative among us? if your feeling feisty...dress it up and we'll dedicate a song or two to you :D
oh, and if youre interested in helping us keep our personal investment at a minimum...shoot me a text or post on the wall if you feel like shocking some taste buds with a delish dessert.
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
So i heard (sadly, i wasn't able to go on monday night) that september's desserthouse was THE BEST YET! if you joined me in being unable to go...we really missed a good one, friend!
THANKS to all the musicians who truly blew us away (from what i've heard): Rachel and Charles, Lincoln, the folks from Five Star Streets, Sara J Beck, and Sean!
THANKS to the amazing presentation of artistry by Emily and Nate...and anyone else who joined in the fun!
THANKS to Donavan and Yobel for bringing the good stuff!
A special THANK YOU to Sarah J Beck for coordinating the night in my absence!
THANKS THANKS THANKS to all who brought a dessert and/or a mug! it blessed both me and those who partook!
We were able to GIVE $210 to our friends who work with AIDS victims in Papua New Guinea. our hearts and prayers are with you, friends.
KEEP YOUR EYES AND EARS PEELED for upcoming DH info! looks like we'll be grooving to some sweet tunes in the old colorado city area for october's DH. Opportunity Int'l will be our feature non profit...more info at!
Friday, August 28, 2009
Dessert House Goodness!!!
Many thanks to EVERYONE who helped out with this months Dessert House! Thank you to Young Life, for Will & Brian's fantastic insight on what this awesome organization does in the local community! Thank you for sharing your stories of how you've been impacted by the formation of relationships between the students & the YL leaders! Thanks for sharing what God's done through these relationships! We raised $324 from Augusts Dessert House which was given to Young Life Colorado Springs, and will pay for a middle school child to go to Camp! Yay!
Thank you so our musicians & for Sara J for arranging all the sets! Sean Riley, Heather & Jesse Spradley, Rachel Brown, Brian (from YL), Sara J Beck, & Lincoln.
Thank you to our lovely ladies who did live art-- Emily Rogers! Amy Pontius! Shanna Hilgers! Abby Steiger! It's amazing how much beauty one can paint on a tin, rusty oil can!
Mark your calendars for next months Dessert House! SAVE THE DATE for Monday, September 28th from 7-11 PM.... we will be posting a google map link to the location asap! Opportunity International is the next featured organization!
Thanks again for supporting Dessert House! We are thrilled to bring to you amazing organizations that are taking action to bring about social justice & positive development on an international & domestic level! More than that, we are thrilled to give YOU tangetable ways that you can get involved in taking action on behalf of these issues!
Monday, August 24, 2009
The REAL Dessert House for August!
BYOM (Bring Your Own Mug) & Receive a Legit Hug!
Location for Dessert House: Casa Boncha (6870 Del Monico, Colorado Springs, CO 80919)
Date: August 27th 8PM-11PM
Musicians: Shawn Riley, Rachel & Charles Brown, Sarah J Beck, Heather & Jessie Spradley & MANY MORE!
Artists: Emily Rogers, Shanna Hilgers, Abby Steiger
Mission: Introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ while helping them grow in their faith.
Goal: Supply excellent Young Life ministry in 7500 schools and outreach locations in the USA & internationally
Progress: As of May 2008, Young Life was in more than 4,639 schools & outreach locations worldwide.
Young Life Leaders invest in spending time with kids; they care about “their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.” Young Life believes that from the adult interaction and relationship building, “the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they [the kids impacted] based upon God’s love for them, will impact future decisions… career chosen, marriages formed and families raised.”
“Young Life is about going to where unchurched kids are and showing them who Jesus is through consistent relationship in their lives. Young life is building relationships with kids and walking them towards relationship with God or walking with them when they give their lives to Jesus. It’s about having fun and building community for those who would never step into a church on their own; or rather bringing Jesus to them.” -Ruth Cortess (Young Life Leader)
Friday, July 31, 2009
Dessert House August!! Yay!
- Young Life’s Mission: Introduce adolescents to Jesus Christ while helping them grow in their faith.
- Goal: Supply excellent Young Life ministry in 7500 schools and outreach locations in the USA & internationally
- Progress: As of May 2008, Young Life was in more than 4,639 schools & outreach locations worldwide.
Young Life Leaders invest in spending time with kids; they care about “their joys, triumphs, heartaches, and setbacks.” Young Life believes that from the adult interaction and relationship building, “the first step of a lifelong journey; the choices they [the kids impacted] based upon God’s love for them, will impact future decisions… career chosen, marriages formed and families raised.”
“Young Life is about going to where unchurched kids are and showing them who Jesus is through consistent relationship in their lives. Young life is building relationships with kids and walking them towards relationship with God or walking with them when they give their lives to Jesus. It’s about having fun and building community for those who would never step into a church on their own; or rather bringing Jesus to them.” -Ruth Cortese (Young Life Leader)
Location: Casa Boncha (6870 Del Monico, CS Colorado 80919)
Date: August 27th, 2009 8PM-11PM
We Are Proud To Welcome New Artists & Musicians This Month:
Musicians:(coming soon!)
Artists: Emily Rogers, Shanna Hilgers, Abby Steiger
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
follow up from the last desserthouse!
Thank you for organizing the dessert house, and thank you for making Micah Challenge the beneficiary of your work. We are SO grateful! I am in Kampala Uganda right now. I’ve had the privilege of visiting with different Micah Challenge coordinators while I’m here, and also visiting various projects of the church to change the world. Its been really inspiring, and extremely hopeful amidst the troubles. Your gift helps us support and engage deeper with Africans doing this kind of work. I want to share a quick narrative of a group I met with yesterday in Kaber Maido District in Uganda.
I met with a group called the arrow boys. They are men who formed a group to defend their villages against the Lord’s Resistance Army (a rebel group that was terrorizing northern Uganda for quite some time). In around 2003 or 2004 their entire community was moved to IDP camps in Uganda because people were being terrorized and children abducted, etc. In 2006 and the beginning of 2007 they all returned to their homes. The Arrow boys formed an association of veterans from that conflict to try and support each other, and help each other out upon returning to their homes. I went there with a group that is giving them agricultural supplies and training to begin a small agricultural project—6 acres and about 10 different crops. When they returned home in 2006 they had to start from scratch. They had no possessions, no land, and no crops, all they had was hope. They did not give up, and they’ve been trying to survive since then. I happened to be there the day they signed the agreement on the agricultural project with the group Micah Challenge works with. It was such a tremendous and joyous occasion. Of course they asked me to speak even though I really didn’t do any work other than pray for them and visit—I told them that in the United States there is a new generation that is passionate about the kingdom of God and the livelihoods and security of people like them. Their faces lighted up—they are so excited to know that their story is being told, and that there are young Christians in the states who care for them. Thank you for who you are, and for your commitments because your passion and prayers give hope to people like the arrow boys. It’s a new day for the arrow boys of Kaber Maido, and just by having the event that you did you are a part of it! I hope and pray that in five years we see their crops flourishing, and their livelihoods restored.
I just wanted to share that with you to encourage you, and to thank you. God bless, and keep in touch!
PS put Oct 18 on your calendar—its Micah Sunday—a day where literally millions of Christians around the world will be praying and focusing on the MDGs. Perhaps you would want to get your church(es) involved, or have your own kind of meeting on that day to show solidarity? We’ll talk about it.
Wednesday, July 8, 2009
Yay For Success!
Thanks to Emily for hosting the event! To all the musicians & artists that displayed their incredible talents-- we love you! Thank you for your willingness to come together, enjoy cultural diversity, and take a stand for social justice with Micah Challenge!
Micah Challenge will be the recipient of your donations this month!!! THEY ARE VERY APPRECIATIVE!
location: Casa Boncha
organization: Children's Ark
If you're interested in hosting, playing music, or showing us your artistic abilities let us know!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Micah Challenge!
In 2000, the nations of the world, including the United States, adopted eight Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) for the alleviation of extreme poverty. Targets
were set for each of these goals, and nations have made commitments for meeting these targets by 2015.
Micah Challenge is grounded in the spirit of Micah 6:8, “And what does the Lord require
of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah Challenge is a global campaign to mobilize Christians against poverty. The campaign aims to deepen Christian engagement with impoverished and marginalized communities, and to influence leaders
of rich and poor nations to fulfill their promise to achieve the Millennium Development Goals. Micah Challenge exists in 39 countries around the globe.
musicians: Spencer Norman, Nate Rouse, Matt Lopez, Sarah J Beck
artists: Shanna Hilgers & Emily Rogers
Friday, June 19, 2009
Welcome to DessertHouse Colorado Springs! Below you will find the location and details for the upcoming DessertHouse...
Monday, July 6th
8p - 11p
$10 cover (all proceeds go to Micah Challenge this month!)
For more info bout our non profit this month check out their
We also be featuring several local musicians and artists! Come support!
Location: The Row House
Home of Emily Rogers, located on the south end of downtown Springs near the police station.
843 Weber Ridge Pt
Colo Springs 80903
Parking is in the lot just south of the complex. Follow the chalk arrows to Emily's place from the parking lot!
Desserts, fair trade coffee and tea will be served! Let me know if you have any favorites!
Ride your bike if you live downtown, the weather is wonderful!
See you soon friends!
ps...if you need further clarification, check out the facebook group: "dessert house colorado springs" or give Shanna (281.796.3635) or Abby a ring (210.215.5765)
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
desserthouse in the next few weeks!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
the first desserthouse:colorado springs was a beautiful success!
Monday, February 16, 2009
the maiden voyage of desserthouse colorado springs!
i am so excited you are a part of this! the suggested cover at the door is $10 (previously it was $12 but we decided to go with the lower amount) this is a donation type thing so if you just can't afford, come anyway!
all proceeds this month go to Internationa Justice Mission (
we have a sweet line up of local cool people who are amazing musicians and artists and the list continues to grow.
fair trade coffee and tea will be served, along with dessert!
comment on this invite so we have a head count and let us know if youre bringing a friend!
this month, dessert shall be served at the lyons brothers house:
2335 amberwood ln
colorado springs, co 80920
7:05p -11:05p
if you have a question or would like to do some art/music or bring a dessert, email me or call!
Saturday, February 7, 2009
where we shall be...
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
rumors of good things coming
its looking like the first dessert house is going to happen this month!
we are discussing several options for location...thats really the biggest obstacle at this point. if you have ideas for where we could do this...pass them on! at this point we are planning on goin for the last thursday of february if we can find a sweet spot to hold it at. remember, this kinda thing not only brings about true community but also is free advertising for the local businesses if they lend their resources to us for a night.
some other things we're needing...
decor to enhance the atmosphere (ie: fabric, candles, tables/chairs possibly)
any donated desserts we can get
local artists and musicians
the proceeds from this night of amazingness will go toward International Justice Mission this month. next month we are considering several other great orgs and efforts that are doing serious work to eliminate poverty and injustice here and abroad.